About our events

Take Part in one of our Young People's courses!

We have drama classes and theatre courses for teens and young people. For those who want to focus on acting check out our Youth Theatre, or if you prefer some singing and dancing with your drama join Youth Musical Theatre. Explore the options below…

List of Events

  1. Group of participants creating a tunnel to run through on stage with Community Project Badge

    YT Open Junior

    Tuesdays 3.45pm - 5pm
  2. In the foreground, a girl with a long ponytail uses her arms and hands to create the image of an animal snout or beak. She is taking part in a drama game. Behind her, other children are striking various poses.

    Youth Theatre: Year 4

    Autumn: Mondays, 4:15pm - 5:30pm
  3. Youth Theatre: Year 8 & 9

    Autumn: Mondays, 5:30pm - 7pm
  4. A group of children mid performance onstage. An empthatic conversation is being had at the front of the stage, while other children stand behind large frames at the back.

    Youth Theatre: Year 5 & 6

    Autumn: Tuesdays, 4:15pm - 5:30pm
  5. A group of teenagers reenacting the members of the Mystery Machine gang.

    Youth Theatre: Years 10+

    Autumn: Tuesdays, 5:30pm - 7:00pm
  6. three children playing in a foil blanket

    Little Limelights

    Autumn: Wednesdays, 10am - 11am
  7. YT Year 7-9

    Autumn: Thursdays, 5:15pm - 6:30pm
  8. A group of teenagers in white shirts are on stage. A girl in the centre is reading something that causes intrigue.

    YT Year 10-12

    Autumn: Thursdays, 7pm - 8:30pm
  9. A group of young people are bathed in blue light onstage. They all look to their left, entranced by something unseen.

    Youth Theatre: Year 7

    Autumn: Fridays, 5:30pm - 7pm
  10. Saturday Drama | 7-9 Yrs

    Autumn: Saturdays, 9:30am - 10:30am
  11. Two young girls sit on the edge of the stage talking. A group f other children are standing in the background trying to listen in to the conversation.

    Saturday Drama | 5-7 Yrs

    Autumn: Saturdays, 10:45am - 11:45am
  12. YT Open Senior

    Tuesdays, 5:30pm - 6:45pm