News Story

In the middle of an 8 show day at the Edinburgh Fringe last summer, I managed to snag a ticket to one of the most talked about shows of the festival –Mark Thomas’ England and Son.

As I left the auditorium after the performance (in tears I might add, along with the rest of the sold-out audience), I was on the phone to the producers of the show, offering basically whatever they wanted in order to secure a performance at The Theatre – for reference, I have NEVER done this for a show before or since!

It should be mandatory viewing for everyone in the country, with it’s tour-de-force performance from comedian Mark Thomas (in his first ever acting role) being something that has to be seen.

I don’t want to spoil it’s contents as it’s best viewed as clear of prior knowledge as possible, but the piece offers a startling look at the world we currently find ourselves living in, and forces us to look at our history and face up to the consequences of our actions.

If this wasn’t enough, England and Son is part of our Pick A Price scheme, which offers tickets starting at just £5 for selected shows throughout the year.

It was really important to me that the show be able to be seen by as many people as possible and that cost was not a barring factor for anyone who wished to see it.

Ryan - Programmer

Click here to book.